Delighting in God's Word
Delighting In God's Word
1- Ruth 1:1-12
3- Ruth 2:1-10
4- Ruth 2:10-23
5- Ruth 3:1-9
6- Ruth 3:10-18
2- Ruth 1:13-22
7- Ruth 4:1-10
8- Ruth 4:11-18
1- Esther Chapter 1
2- Esther Chapter 2
3- Esther 3
4- Esther 4
5- Esther 5-6
6- Esther 7-8
7- Esther 9-10
Harmonized Gospels
Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1: Opening Lesson
Lesson 2: Zechariah's Angelic Visit
Lesson 3: Mary's Angelic Visit
Lesson 4: The Birth of Jesus
Lesson 5: Jesus' Circumcision, Wise Men & Herod the Great
Lesson 6: Jesus` Youth and John's Ministry
Lesson 7: Jesus' Baptism & Temptation
Lesson 8: Jesus Begins His Ministry
Lesson 9: Wedding at Cana - 1st Trip to Jerusalem
Lesson 10: The Gospels; The First Twelve Lessons
Lessons 11-20
Lesson 11: Jesus Leaves Jerusalem - Samaritan Women
Lesson 12: Jesus Returns to Galilee to Minister
Lesson 13: Faith in Jesus
Lesson 14: Sermon on the Mount - Part 1
Lesson 15: Sermon on the Mount - Part 2
Lesson 16: Sermon on the Mount - Part 3
Lesson 17: Sermon on the Mount - Part 4
Lesson 18: Sermon on the Mount - Part 5
Lesson 19: Sermon on the Mount - Part 6
Lesson 20: Jesus healing
Lessons 21-30
Lesson 21: The unforgiveable sin
Lesson 22: Conflict wit Pharisees- Jonah
Lesson 23: Trusting & Believing God
Lesson 24: Always be Ready
Lesson 25: Kingdom Parables-1
Lesson 26: Kingdom Parables- 2
Lesson 27: Kingdom Parables- 3
Lesson 28: Storm at Sea- Mad Man of Gadara
Lesson 29- Heals the paralytic
Lesson 30: Jairus Daughter healed
Lessons 31-40
Lesson 31: Jairus Daughter raised
Lesson 32- The 12 sent out
Lesson 33- Second trip to Jerusalem
Lesson 34- John the Baptist death
Lesson 35- Feeding 5000- Walk on water
Lesson 36- Jesus is the bread of life
Lesson 37- Jesus is the bread of life- 2
Lesson 38-Women followers, Jewish Tradition
Lesson 39- Ministry to the Gentiles
Lesson 40- Peters revelation. Keys to the Kingdom
Lessons 41-50
Lesson 41: The Transfiguration
Lesson 42: Jesus Casts a Demon Out, Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom
Lesson 43: The Lost Sheep & Coin; The Prodigal Son
Lesson 44- Forgiveness- The Goodness of God
Lesson 45- Unrighteous manager - Rich man and Lazarus
Lesson 46: Jesus Goes Toward Jerusalem: The Good Samaritan
Lesson 47 - Divorce, Parable of the Kings Banquet
Lesson 48- Rich Young Ruler
Lesson 49- Pharisees try to arrest Jesus- Woman caught in adultery
Lesson 50: I am not of this World
Lessons 51-60
Lesson 51: The Great I AM
Lesson 52: Mary & Martha and the Blind Man
Lesson 53: I AM the Good Shepard
Lesson 54: Eternal Life; Scripture Cannot Be Broken
Lesson 55: Lazarus is Ill
Lesson 56: Lazarus Raised From the Dead
Lesson 57: Blind Bartimaeus & Zacchaeus
Lesson 58: 10 Minas
Lesson 59: Jesus' Triumphal Entry
Lesson 60: Cleansing the Temple; The Fig Tree Withered
Lessons 61-70
Lesson 61 - The Wedding Feast - The Wicked Tennants
Lesson 62: The Jews Question Jesus
Lesson 63 - 8 Woes of The Pharisees
Lesson 64- Fall of Jerusalem, End of this age
Lesson 65- Matt 24- End times
Lesson 66- Matt 24- End times II
Lesson 66- Lk 21 - Matt 24 comparison
Lesson 67- Matt 24- End times III
Lesson 68- Parable of the Talents
Lesson 69- Matt 26- Mary anoints Jesus head
Lesson 70- For this purpose- Gods goodness
Lessons 71-80
Lesson 71- The day before the Cross
Lesson 72- The Lord's Supper
Lesson 73- The Upper Rm Discourse
Lesson 74- The Upper Rm Discourse 2
Lesson 75- The Upper Rm Discourse 3- Jn 14:6-14
Lesson 76- Jn 14:1-17 Verse markup
Lesson 77- The Upper Room Discourse Jn 14:23-31
Lesson 78- The Upper Room Discourse Jn 15:1-6
Lesson 79- Jn 15:6-27 The Upper Room Discourse
Lesson 80- Jn 16:1-22 The Upper Room Discourse
Lessons 81-90
Lesson 81- Jn 16:23-33 Upper Room Discourse
Lesson 82- Jn 17:1-12 Jesus prays to the Father
Lesson 83- Jn 17:13-26 Jesus prays to the Father
Lesson 84- Gethsemane
Lesson 85- Jesus' 3 Jewish trials
Lesson 86- Jesus' 1st Roman trial
Lesson 87- Jesus' 2nd & 3rd Roman trial
Lesson 88- Jesus' crucifixion
Lesson 89- Jesus' crucifixion 2
Lesson 90- After the cross
Lessons 91 - 94
Lesson 91- Jesus in the tomb
Lesson 92- The Road to Emmaus
Lesson 93- Three meetings w/Jesus
Lesson 94- The Ascention
Romans lessons 1-10
1- Intro to Romans
2- Rom 1:6-7 The Called
3- Rom 1:16-17
4- Rom 1:18-32
5- Rom 2
6- Rom 3:1-22
7- Rom 3:20-31
8- Rom 4:1-5
9- Romans 4:6-16
10- Romans 4:13-25
Romans lessons 11-20
11- Romans 5:1-4
12- Romans 5:5-8
13- Romans 5:9-18
14- Rom 5:19 - 6:13
15- Rom 6:14-23
16- Rom 7:1-25
17- Rom 8:1
18- Rom 8:1-8
19- Rom 8:5-17
20- Rom 8:13-25
Romans lessons 21-30
21- Rom 8:26-27
22- Rom 8:28
23- Rom 8:28b
24- Rom 8:29
25- Rom 8:30
26- Rom 8:31-39
27- Rom 9:1-24
28- Rom 9:6-23
29- Rom 9:24-33
30- Romans 10
Romans lessons 31-40
31- Romans 11:1-16
32- Romans 11:16-26
33- Romans 11:25-29
34- Rom 11:30-36
35- Rom 12:1-2
36- Rom 12:1-21
37- Rom 13:1-7
38- Rom 13:8-14
39- Rom 14:1-9
40- Rom 14:10-12
Romans lessons 41-44
41- Rom 14:13-23
42- Rom 15:1-13
43- Rom 15:14-33
44- Rom 16
1 & 2 Thessalonians
Lesson 1- Intro to Thessalonians
Lesson 2- 1 Thessalonians Chptr 1
Lesson 3- 1 Thessalonians Chptr 2
Lesson 4- 1 Thessalonians Chptr 3 & 4:1-12
Lesson 5- 1 Thes Chptr 4:13-18
Lesson 6- 1 Thes 5:1-6
Lesson 7- 1 Thes 5:7-28
Lesson 8- 2 Thes 1
Lesson 9- 2 Thes 2
Lesson 10- 2 Thes 3
Hebrews Lessons 11-20
11- Hebrews 5:5-14
12- Hebrews 6:1-3
13- Hebrews 6:4-9
14- Hebrews 6:10-20
15- Hebrews 7:1-3
16- Hebrews 7:4-19
16b- Hebrews Corona Review
17- Hebrews 7:20 - 8:5
18- Hebrews 8:6-13
19- Hebrews 9:1-28
20- Hebrews 10:1-25
Revelation Lessons 1-10
1- Rev- Opening Lesson
2- Rev 1:1-8
3- Rev 1:9-18
4- Rev- Intro to 7 Churches
5- Rev 2:1-7 Epsesus
6- Rev 2:8-11 Sardis
7- Rev 2:12-17 Pergamos
8- Rev 2:18-29 Thyatira
9- Rev 3:1-6 Sardis
10- Rev 3:7-13 Philadelphia
Revelation Lessons 11 - 20
11- Rev 3:14-22 Laodicea
12- The Rapture - Pt 1
13- Rapture Pt 2
14- Rev 4
15- Rev 5
16- Daniel's Seventieth Week Pt 1
17- Daniel's Seventieth Week Pt 2
18- Rev 6:1-2 Antichrist
19- Rev 6:3-17
20- Rev 7
Revelation Lessons 21 - 30
21- Revelation 8
22- Revelation 9
23- Revelation 10
24- Revelation 11
25- Revelation 12
26- Revelation 13
27- Revelation 14:1-13
28- Revelation 14:14-20 & 15:1-8
29- Revelation 16
30- Revelation 17:1-6
Revelation Lessons 31 - 40
31- Revelation 17:7-18
32- Revelation 18
33- Revelation 19:1-10
34- Revelation- Armageddon
35- Revelation- Armageddon Pt 2
36- Revelation 20:1-6
37- Revelation 20:6-7 The Millennium
38- Revelation 20.6-15
39- Rev 21:1-10
40- Rev 21.10 - 22.21
Misc Study Topics
Why is salvation by faith alone?
Charts and Illustrations
End Times Timeline
Lk 21 vs. Mt 24 - 70ad vs. end times
Three End Times Judgments
Timelines for Wed or Thur Crucifixion
Hermeneutics Chart
Jerusalem during Jesus lifetime
Israel during Jesus lifetime
Photo Gallery
Our Class
Fall Picnic 2016
Christmas Party 2016
2020 Class Picnic
Upcoming Events
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1- Ruth 1:1-12
3- Ruth 2:1-10
4- Ruth 2:10-23
5- Ruth 3:1-9
6- Ruth 3:10-18
2- Ruth 1:13-22
7- Ruth 4:1-10
8- Ruth 4:11-18
1- Esther Chapter 1
2- Esther Chapter 2
3- Esther 3
4- Esther 4
5- Esther 5-6
6- Esther 7-8
7- Esther 9-10
Harmonized Gospels
Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1: Opening Lesson
Lesson 2: Zechariah's Angelic Visit
Lesson 3: Mary's Angelic Visit
Lesson 4: The Birth of Jesus
Lesson 5: Jesus' Circumcision, Wise Men & Herod the Great
Lesson 6: Jesus` Youth and John's Ministry
Lesson 7: Jesus' Baptism & Temptation
Lesson 8: Jesus Begins His Ministry
Lesson 9: Wedding at Cana - 1st Trip to Jerusalem
Lesson 10: The Gospels; The First Twelve Lessons
Lessons 11-20
Lesson 11: Jesus Leaves Jerusalem - Samaritan Women
Lesson 12: Jesus Returns to Galilee to Minister
Lesson 13: Faith in Jesus
Lesson 14: Sermon on the Mount - Part 1
Lesson 15: Sermon on the Mount - Part 2
Lesson 16: Sermon on the Mount - Part 3
Lesson 17: Sermon on the Mount - Part 4
Lesson 18: Sermon on the Mount - Part 5
Lesson 19: Sermon on the Mount - Part 6
Lesson 20: Jesus healing
Lessons 21-30
Lesson 21: The unforgiveable sin
Lesson 22: Conflict wit Pharisees- Jonah
Lesson 23: Trusting & Believing God
Lesson 24: Always be Ready
Lesson 25: Kingdom Parables-1
Lesson 26: Kingdom Parables- 2
Lesson 27: Kingdom Parables- 3
Lesson 28: Storm at Sea- Mad Man of Gadara
Lesson 29- Heals the paralytic
Lesson 30: Jairus Daughter healed
Lessons 31-40
Lesson 31: Jairus Daughter raised
Lesson 32- The 12 sent out
Lesson 33- Second trip to Jerusalem
Lesson 34- John the Baptist death
Lesson 35- Feeding 5000- Walk on water
Lesson 36- Jesus is the bread of life
Lesson 37- Jesus is the bread of life- 2
Lesson 38-Women followers, Jewish Tradition
Lesson 39- Ministry to the Gentiles
Lesson 40- Peters revelation. Keys to the Kingdom
Lessons 41-50
Lesson 41: The Transfiguration
Lesson 42: Jesus Casts a Demon Out, Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom
Lesson 43: The Lost Sheep & Coin; The Prodigal Son
Lesson 44- Forgiveness- The Goodness of God
Lesson 45- Unrighteous manager - Rich man and Lazarus
Lesson 46: Jesus Goes Toward Jerusalem: The Good Samaritan
Lesson 47 - Divorce, Parable of the Kings Banquet
Lesson 48- Rich Young Ruler
Lesson 49- Pharisees try to arrest Jesus- Woman caught in adultery
Lesson 50: I am not of this World
Lessons 51-60
Lesson 51: The Great I AM
Lesson 52: Mary & Martha and the Blind Man
Lesson 53: I AM the Good Shepard
Lesson 54: Eternal Life; Scripture Cannot Be Broken
Lesson 55: Lazarus is Ill
Lesson 56: Lazarus Raised From the Dead
Lesson 57: Blind Bartimaeus & Zacchaeus
Lesson 58: 10 Minas
Lesson 59: Jesus' Triumphal Entry
Lesson 60: Cleansing the Temple; The Fig Tree Withered
Lessons 61-70
Lesson 61 - The Wedding Feast - The Wicked Tennants
Lesson 62: The Jews Question Jesus
Lesson 63 - 8 Woes of The Pharisees
Lesson 64- Fall of Jerusalem, End of this age
Lesson 65- Matt 24- End times
Lesson 66- Matt 24- End times II
Lesson 66- Lk 21 - Matt 24 comparison
Lesson 67- Matt 24- End times III
Lesson 68- Parable of the Talents
Lesson 69- Matt 26- Mary anoints Jesus head
Lesson 70- For this purpose- Gods goodness
Lessons 71-80
Lesson 71- The day before the Cross
Lesson 72- The Lord's Supper
Lesson 73- The Upper Rm Discourse
Lesson 74- The Upper Rm Discourse 2
Lesson 75- The Upper Rm Discourse 3- Jn 14:6-14
Lesson 76- Jn 14:1-17 Verse markup
Lesson 77- The Upper Room Discourse Jn 14:23-31
Lesson 78- The Upper Room Discourse Jn 15:1-6
Lesson 79- Jn 15:6-27 The Upper Room Discourse
Lesson 80- Jn 16:1-22 The Upper Room Discourse
Lessons 81-90
Lesson 81- Jn 16:23-33 Upper Room Discourse
Lesson 82- Jn 17:1-12 Jesus prays to the Father
Lesson 83- Jn 17:13-26 Jesus prays to the Father
Lesson 84- Gethsemane
Lesson 85- Jesus' 3 Jewish trials
Lesson 86- Jesus' 1st Roman trial
Lesson 87- Jesus' 2nd & 3rd Roman trial
Lesson 88- Jesus' crucifixion
Lesson 89- Jesus' crucifixion 2
Lesson 90- After the cross
Lessons 91 - 94
Lesson 91- Jesus in the tomb
Lesson 92- The Road to Emmaus
Lesson 93- Three meetings w/Jesus
Lesson 94- The Ascention
Romans lessons 1-10
1- Intro to Romans
2- Rom 1:6-7 The Called
3- Rom 1:16-17
4- Rom 1:18-32
5- Rom 2
6- Rom 3:1-22
7- Rom 3:20-31
8- Rom 4:1-5
9- Romans 4:6-16
10- Romans 4:13-25
Romans lessons 11-20
11- Romans 5:1-4
12- Romans 5:5-8
13- Romans 5:9-18
14- Rom 5:19 - 6:13
15- Rom 6:14-23
16- Rom 7:1-25
17- Rom 8:1
18- Rom 8:1-8
19- Rom 8:5-17
20- Rom 8:13-25
Romans lessons 21-30
21- Rom 8:26-27
22- Rom 8:28
23- Rom 8:28b
24- Rom 8:29
25- Rom 8:30
26- Rom 8:31-39
27- Rom 9:1-24
28- Rom 9:6-23
29- Rom 9:24-33
30- Romans 10
Romans lessons 31-40
31- Romans 11:1-16
32- Romans 11:16-26
33- Romans 11:25-29
34- Rom 11:30-36
35- Rom 12:1-2
36- Rom 12:1-21
37- Rom 13:1-7
38- Rom 13:8-14
39- Rom 14:1-9
40- Rom 14:10-12
Romans lessons 41-44
41- Rom 14:13-23
42- Rom 15:1-13
43- Rom 15:14-33
44- Rom 16
1 & 2 Thessalonians
Lesson 1- Intro to Thessalonians
Lesson 2- 1 Thessalonians Chptr 1
Lesson 3- 1 Thessalonians Chptr 2
Lesson 4- 1 Thessalonians Chptr 3 & 4:1-12
Lesson 5- 1 Thes Chptr 4:13-18
Lesson 6- 1 Thes 5:1-6
Lesson 7- 1 Thes 5:7-28
Lesson 8- 2 Thes 1
Lesson 9- 2 Thes 2
Lesson 10- 2 Thes 3
Hebrews Lessons 11-20
11- Hebrews 5:5-14
12- Hebrews 6:1-3
13- Hebrews 6:4-9
14- Hebrews 6:10-20
15- Hebrews 7:1-3
16- Hebrews 7:4-19
16b- Hebrews Corona Review
17- Hebrews 7:20 - 8:5
18- Hebrews 8:6-13
19- Hebrews 9:1-28
20- Hebrews 10:1-25
Revelation Lessons 1-10
1- Rev- Opening Lesson
2- Rev 1:1-8
3- Rev 1:9-18
4- Rev- Intro to 7 Churches
5- Rev 2:1-7 Epsesus
6- Rev 2:8-11 Sardis
7- Rev 2:12-17 Pergamos
8- Rev 2:18-29 Thyatira
9- Rev 3:1-6 Sardis
10- Rev 3:7-13 Philadelphia
Revelation Lessons 11 - 20
11- Rev 3:14-22 Laodicea
12- The Rapture - Pt 1
13- Rapture Pt 2
14- Rev 4
15- Rev 5
16- Daniel's Seventieth Week Pt 1
17- Daniel's Seventieth Week Pt 2
18- Rev 6:1-2 Antichrist
19- Rev 6:3-17
20- Rev 7
Revelation Lessons 21 - 30
21- Revelation 8
22- Revelation 9
23- Revelation 10
24- Revelation 11
25- Revelation 12
26- Revelation 13
27- Revelation 14:1-13
28- Revelation 14:14-20 & 15:1-8
29- Revelation 16
30- Revelation 17:1-6
Revelation Lessons 31 - 40
31- Revelation 17:7-18
32- Revelation 18
33- Revelation 19:1-10
34- Revelation- Armageddon
35- Revelation- Armageddon Pt 2
36- Revelation 20:1-6
37- Revelation 20:6-7 The Millennium
38- Revelation 20.6-15
39- Rev 21:1-10
40- Rev 21.10 - 22.21
Misc Study Topics
Why is salvation by faith alone?
Charts and Illustrations
End Times Timeline
Lk 21 vs. Mt 24 - 70ad vs. end times
Three End Times Judgments
Timelines for Wed or Thur Crucifixion
Hermeneutics Chart
Jerusalem during Jesus lifetime
Israel during Jesus lifetime
Photo Gallery
Our Class
Fall Picnic 2016
Christmas Party 2016
2020 Class Picnic
Upcoming Events